Building together an Online Global Dialogue for Systemic Change


We are living in an unprecedented global crisis that requires a deep reflection, rethinking and
dialogue among activists, organizations and social movements around the world. Critical
strategies are essential, to deal with the current crises and to shape what comes next.
More than ever we need to share analysis, experiences, ideas and alternatives, in the face of
growing health, social, economic, political and environmental crises.
Many networks, organizations, and social movements are engaged in national, regional,
continental and worldwide discussions on the challenges in front of us.
The aim of the Global Dialogue for Systemic Change is to support this process, creating
stronger links among activist groups and social movements, and bringing in a wider range of
activists and organisations from Africa, Asia, South and North America and Europe. It is not our
ambition to replace or attempt to centralize the multiple valuable initiatives already underway.
Over the next few months we will organise webinars in different languages addressing the key
issues in our struggle for systemic change. The webinars will explore the main tasks, demands
and alternatives that are needed at local, national and global levels to strengthen the connectivity
and solidarity of movements, to forge a future for the people and for nature, and to overcome
neoliberal globalization, capitalism, extractivism, patriarchy, xenophobia, authoritarianism,
anthropocentrism, racism and militarism.
Each webinar will be co-organized by a different group of organisations and movements, based
in different regions of the world. We will provide simultaneous translation in English, French
and Spanish, gradually in other languages. The webinars will be streamed live through social
media. encouraging interaction between participants of different countries, social sectors,
genders and ages. Recordings of the webinars will be subtitled in several languages and diffused
on websites and social media.
The online Global Dialogue for Systemic Change will also serve as a multilingual portal for
communicating and sharing activities with similar aims.
The webinar series will build up towards online assemblies of the network. This participative
process will facilitate stronger collaboration and interconnection in the emergency period of
lockdown, in the transitional period and in the future.
Supporting organisations
A growing number of social movements and organisations are joining this initiative. The first signatures
received so far include the following:
● Ação Franciscana de Ecologia e Solidariedade – AFES / Brazil
● Arab campaign for education
● Association Bouillabaisse Turfu / France
● ATTAC France
● ATTAC Japan
● CADTM International
● Coletivo 660 / Brazil
● Commission Justice & Peace / Brazil
● EDGE Funders Alliance
● Europe solidaire sans frontières (ESSF)
● Focus on the Global South / Asia
● Forum Tunisien pour les Droits Economiques et Socaiux (FTDES)
● Fundación Solón – Bolivia
● Global Campaign for education
● Global Justice Now / UK
● Gruppo Italiano Dialogo Globale
● Iglesia y minerias / Brazil
● Institute for Policy Studies / USA
● Instituto Cidades Sustentáveis / Brazil
● INTERCOLL / France & Québec
● International Network Committee
● IPAM / France
● Maghreb social forum
● Moroccan forum for alternatives south
● Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano
● Programa de las Américas
● Serviço Interfranciscano de Justiça, Paz e Ecologia – SINFRAJUPE / Brazil
● Systemic Alternatives
● Teacher Creativity Center / Palestine
● The Great Transition Collective / Collectif La Grande transition / Québec
● Transform Europe
● Transnational Institute TNI
Our first webinar: What world after the pandemic?
On Facebook or by following this Zoom link:
April 30th, 09:00 EST, 15:00 CET, 18.30 IST, 21:00 Indochina Time.
Panelists Maristella Svampa (Argentina) Ashish Kothari (India), and Geneviève Azam (France) .
Moderator Laura Flanders (USA).
Interpretation in English, French and Spanish.
A panel discussion and audience questions on topics including:
• How to strengthen solidarity and resistance against the multiple crises triggered by COVID-19?
• How do the various grassroots struggles intersect?
• What programme of reconstruction and longer-term alternatives are movements proposing?
• What are the common elements of grassroots solidarity initiatives?
• What are the obstacles and risks for social movements going forward?
Others webinars will be organised
Provisional themes include :
The assault on our rights and the risks for democracy / Covid 19 and inequality / Solidarity and the
new agenda of social movements / Territories, biodiversity and climate / Repressive state, migration,
imprisonment /Covid 19, patriarchy and racism / State, public, autonomy / Conflicts, war, militarism,
sanctions / Economic deglobalization and political globalization / Network assembly.
Join the (public) list of participating organisations and individuals by registering on
our site . Use this address to propose additional webinars or
volunteer your time and skills.