The Tunisian Forum for Social and Economic Rights (in French Forum Tunsien pour les Droits Economiques et Sociaux – FTDES) is a tunisian organisation, declared in the Official Journal in 2011. FTDES is non-governemental, neutral, and independant from any political party or religious. It was founded in 2011 in order to dans le but de to fight for people’s economic and social rights at the national and international level. FTDES is working on the following themes: labour rights, women rights, environmental rights and migrant rights. FTDES is part of several international networks, including FIDH, Migreurop, Loujna Tounkaranké, Boats 4 People. FTDES has a central office in Tunis, and is directed by an executive board. It has several dozen members throughout Tunisia and more than twenty employees. FTDES has local branches in the gouvernorates of Kairouan, Monastir and Gafsa.
The goals of the Tunisian Forum for Social and Economic Rights are to:
Call for a review of the role of the State in the field of redistribution of income and goods and to take care of public services so that they are made available to all with a view to improving their quality and minimising their costs.
Contribute to economic and social development within institutions through the development of professional relations and promote the social responsibility of the institution.
Assign particular attention to the social security system in order to improve its performance and the quality of its services.
Disseminate the culture of economic and social rights based on international references, national culture, as well as global initiatives related to economic and social development.
Promote research and analysis on the general guidelines based on scientific studies emerging from local and regional realities, and based on comparative analyses with international experiences, with the aim of raising public awareness and orienting public opinion towards decision-making.
To strengthen cooperation between the Maghreb and Mediterranean and Arab countries in the fight for economic and social rights by increasing coordination and exchange of experiences with similar associations in the world and by engaging in networks concerned with this field.
Strenthening the role of civil society in decision making processes and ensuring that it is always closely associated to public interest processes while keeping its expression free.
Fighting corruption and protecting public assets, ensuring the sound management of public financial resources.