Against the adoption of the policies of european right wing about harassing the maritime rescue boats

FILE - In this Aug. 29, 2017 file photo, African migrants float on a wooden boat next to a rescue ship during a search and rescue operation conducted by SOS Mediterranee's Aquarius ship and MSF (Doctors Without Borders) NGOs, in the Mediterranean Sea, north of Libyan coast. Italian prosecutors have ordered the seizure of a migrant rescue ship and accused the aid group Doctors Without Borders of illegally disposing 24 metric tons (26.5 tons) of medical and contaminated waste accumulated during nearly 50 rescues. (AP Photo/Darko Bandic, file)

Against the adoption of the policies of european right wing about harassing the maritime rescue boats

The security forces banned a group of the maritime rescuing activists from leaving the port of Zarzis on board of their boats Mediterranea and Open arms to participate in an activity organized by the “association of the seas for development and environment”.

The different authorities have facilitated the entry of the two rescue boats Mediterranea and Open arms to the port of Zarzis on Sunday, November 25, 2018 while the third boat See watch3 is still waiting to have the authorization to enter the port.

It’s the first time that we observe such a behavior from the security forces of the port of Zarzis, where the different rescue boats are used to weigh anchor for logistical reasons and maintenance work.

The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights, that called previously for the good right treatment of rescue boats from the local authorities and faced with this situation:

  • Condemns the ban of the European group of the maritime rescue activists from leaving the port of Zarzis to participate in an activity despite their respect of the legal procedures
  • Fears that the behavior of the security forces will happen again, and will extend to a chain of restrictive behaviors against the humanitarian rescue boats and all their activists following the model of the inhuman European policies
  • Calls the Tunisian government to respect its commitment in refusing to be an expulsion camp and to refuse to adopt, even implicitly, the European policies that threatens the activists of the rescuing operations.
  • Supports all the humanist approaches in the Mediterranean and all the civil efforts that are contributing in limiting the tragedies happening and respecting the right to freedom of movement.

The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights

The president: Messaoud Romdhani